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Med. infant ; 30(4): 373-381, Diciembre 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524219


El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es una condición crónica del neurodesarrollo caracterizada por déficits persistentes en la comunicación e interacción social y un patrón de intereses restringidos y/o comportamientos repetitivos que pueden afectar el funcionamiento del individuo en la vida diaria familiar y comunitaria. El diagnóstico oportuno intenta mejorar la trayectoria, reducir el impacto funcional y disminuir los efectos de condiciones médicas asociadas. El diagnóstico tardío de TEA es considerado como aquel realizado luego de los 6 años de edad, en coincidencia con el fin de la escolaridad inicial. Si bien esta edad puede resultar arbitraria lo que se busca es una generalización de aquellos casos en los que probablemente hubo múltiples pérdidas de oportunidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre los determinantes del diagnóstico tardío del TEA con el fin de proponer posibles soluciones a esta problemática. Desarrollo: A partir de tres viñetas clínicas de pacientes que recibieron el diagnóstico en nuestro servicio, luego de los 6 años de edad, nos proponemos identificar y analizar aquellos factores (motivos sociodemográficos, problemas organizacionales, en la etapa de evaluación diagnóstica, respecto al género, cuidadores/ familiares y características clínicas) que determinan la demora diagnóstica. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico tardío del TEA es una problemática compleja y multifactorial, que implica desafíos significativos en el desarrollo de los NNyA con esta condición, sus familias y su entorno. Es importante considerar las causas que demoran el diagnóstico, desde el ámbito clínico, familiar y socio-ambiental para poder intervenir oportunamente (AU)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent deficits in communication and social interaction and a pattern of restricted interests and/or repetitive behaviors that can affect the individual's daily functioning both at home and in the community. Early diagnosis is important to improve the developmental trajectory, reduce functional impairment, and decrease the impact of comorbid medical conditions. Delayed diagnosis of ASD is defined as a diagnosis made after the age of 6 years, coinciding with the end of preschool. Although this age may be arbitrary, it serves to encompass cases in which there were probably multiple missed diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities. Objective: To explore the causes of late diagnosis of ASD in order to propose possible solutions to this problem. Development: Based on three clinical vignettes of patients who were diagnosed at our department after 6 years of age, we aimed to identify and analyze factors influencing diagnostic delays. These factors included sociodemographic causes, organizational challenges, issues during the diagnostic workup, considerations related to gender, caregivers/families, and clinical characteristics. Conclusions: Delayed diagnosis of ASD is a complex and multifactorial problem leading to significant challenges in the development of children and adolescents with this condition as well as their families and their environment. Identification of the causes of diagnostic delay is important from the clinical, family and socio-environmental point of view, in order to start timely interventions (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Autistic Disorder/diagnosis , Delayed Diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Caregivers , Sociodemographic Factors
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514470


El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), es trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se caracteriza por algún grado de dificultad en la interacción social y la comunicación, que comienza en el periodo de desarrollo temprano, y se clasifica según el grado de severidad en grado 1, 2 y 3, según lo establecido en el DSM-5. Dicho Trastorno se encuentra abarcado por la Ley 7125 de Pensión Vitalicia para Personas con Parálisis Profunda, y su reforma 8769. Con el objetivo de analizar los criterios establecidos para la valoración de estos procesos, se presenta el caso de una persona masculina de 6 años con diagnóstico de TEA, de quien se interpuso demanda para ser tomado en cuenta dentro de dicha Ley. En el mismo y tras el análisis respectivo, de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura científica actualizada, y de los criterios establecidos, se pudo constatar que si calificaba según lo indicado en la Ley 7125.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by some degree of difficulty in social interaction and communication, which begins in the early development period, and is classified according to the degree of severity in grade 1, 2 and 3, as established in the DSM-5. Said Disorder is covered by Law 7125 of Life Pension for people with deep cerebral palsy, and its reform 8769. In order to analyze the criteria established for the assessment of these processes, the case of a 6-year-old male person with diagnosis of ASD, of whom a lawsuit was filed to be taken into account within said Law. In it and after the respective analysis, according to the data of the updated scientific literature, and the established criteria, it was possible to verify that if qualified as indicated in Law 7125.

Humans , Male , Child , Pensions , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Universal Health Coverage , Costa Rica
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433739


El diagnóstico de trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) en mujeres presenta importantes complejidades, desafíos y particularidades. Históricamente se ha planteado que este trastorno es más frecuente en hombres, existiendo, además, un sesgo hacia el género masculino en el screening y criterios diagnósticos. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico a fin de revisar las dificultades y particularidades asociadas al proceso diagnóstico de TEA en mujeres. Discusión: Las investigaciones a la fecha han planteado que muchas niñas no encajan en el perfil tradicional de TEA. Se han descrito características específicas del cuadro clínico en el sexo femenino, varias de las cuales se evidencian en el caso clínico presentado. Por otro lado, existen altas tasas de comorbilidades, tanto con patologías médicas como psiquiátricas, las cuales son siempre relevantes de evaluar. Conclusiones: Como en muchos otros aspectos, las mujeres también han sido invisibilizadas en lo que respecta al TEA. Es relevante que se continúe estudiando el tema para lograr un diagnóstico e intervención precoces en esta población.

The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in women presents with significant complexities and challenges. It has been mentioned that the disorder is more prevalent in males, and there is also a bias towards the male gender in screening and diagnostic criteria. Objectives: To present a clinical case in order to review difficulties and peculiarities associated with the diagnostic process of ASD in women. Discussion: It has been suggested that many girls do not fit the traditional profile of ASD. Specific characteristics of the female gender phenotype have been described, several of which are illustrated in the clinical case presented. On the other hand, there are high rates of comorbidities, both with medical and psychiatric conditions, which are always relevant to assess and recognize. Conclusions: As in various other aspects, women have also been unrecognized and misdiagnosed when it comes to ASD. It is relevant that we keep understanding this issue, in order to achieve an early diagnosis and provide proper interventions to this population.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 71(1): 32-39, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365065


OBJECTIVE: The relationship between mental health and contextual factors has been increasingly investigated in the scientific literature to identify elements that may configure themselves as protective. The present study aimed to identify what resources (activities, family outings, toys, material elements, and learning) were offered in the daily lives of children with mental disorders, and from this, verify whether the offer of such resources in the family was associated with areas of greatest damage relative to mental health problems. METHODS: Thirty-three caregivers of/people responsible for children between 6 and 12 years of age with most frequent diagnoses in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder seen at a general hospital participated. We used the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ ­ parents version) and Family Environment Resources Inventory (RAF). RESULTS: From a descriptive and correlational analysis, it was revealed that the more the mental health problems were present in children, the lower the family resources offer. CONCLUSIONS: The environmental resources offer proved to be protective for child development. Such findings are relevant to aid in outlining strategies for promoting mental health among children.

OBJETIVO: As relações entre saúde mental e fatores contextuais têm sido cada vez mais investigadas na literatura científica no sentido de identificar elementos que possam se configurar como protetivos. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar quais recursos (atividades, passeios com a família, brinquedos, elementos materiais e de aprendizagem) eram oferecidos no cotidiano das crianças que apresentam transtornos mentais e, a partir disso, verificar se há associações entre a oferta de tais recursos no ambiente familiar e as áreas de maior prejuízo em relação a problemas de saúde mental. MÉTODOS: Participaram 33 cuidadores/responsáveis de/por crianças entre 6 e 12 anos de idade com diagnósticos mais frequentes de transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade e transtorno do espectro autista acompanhadas em um hospital geral. Foram utilizados: Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ ­ versão pais) e Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar (RAF). RESULTADOS: A partir de uma análise descritiva e correlacional, revelou-se que quanto mais problemas de saúde mental estão presentes nas crianças, menor é a oferta de recursos no ambiente familiar. CONCLUSÃO: A oferta de recursos ambientais mostrou-se protetiva para o desenvolvimento infantil. Tais achados são relevantes para auxiliar no delineamento de estratégias para a promoção de saúde mental destinada ao público infantil.

Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Caregivers/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/psychology , Child Development , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Protective Factors
Estilos clín ; 27(2)2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435614


Este trabalho parte de inquietações acerca do atendimento de uma criança, na Clínica de Linguagem, cuja mãe solicitou um diagnóstico diferencial entre Apraxia de Fala na Infância e Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Discute-se a contradição entre a indecidibilidade diagnóstica e a suposta universalidade destas categorias. O objetivo é propor um diagnóstico de linguagem que leve em consideração não somente as inusitadas produções orais de uma criança, mas seu modo de relação à fala do outro e à própria. Utilizou-se como método a discussão de um caso clínico, cujo diagnóstico de linguagem era indicativo de fracassos na inscrição significante no corpo. A intervenção foi realizada sobre o efeito da fala da criança no outro que, à deriva, ficava preso ao espelhamento do gesto motor, impossibilitado de a ele atribuir valor linguístico

Este trabajo es fruto de la preocupación por el tratamiento de un niño, realizada desde la perspectiva de la Clínica del Lenguaje. La madre trajo el niño con la solicitud del diagnóstico diferencial entre Apraxia del Habla en la Infancia y Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Señaló la contradicción entre la entificación y la fijeza de estas categorías y lo que aparece enmascarado bajo la apariencia de indecidibilidad diagnóstica. Propongo articular las inusuales producciones orales del niño con gestos corporales. El diagnóstico del lenguaje, indicativo de fallas en la inscripción del lenguaje en el cuerpo, implicó una intervención sobre el efecto del habla del niño sobre el otro, quien, a la deriva, quedó atrapado en el reflejo del gesto motor e incapaz de atribuirle valor linguístico

This paper is due to concerns on the treatment of a child from the perspective of the Language Clinic. The mother brought the child with the request for the differential diagnosis between Speech Apraxia in Childhood and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. On the article, I highlight the contradiction between the entification and fixity of these categories and what appears masked under the semblance of diagnostic undecidability. I propose to articulate the child's unusual oral productions with bodily gestures. The language diagnosis, indicative of failures in the language inscription in the body, implied an intervention on the effect of the child's speech on the other, who, adrift, was trapped in the mirroring of the motor gesture and unable to attribute linguistic value to it

Ce travail est le résultat de préoccupations concernant le traitement, à la Clinique du Langage, d'un enfant amené para sa mère avec une demande de diagnostic différentiel entre l'Apraxie de la Parole chez l'enfant et Trouble du Spectre Autistique. Dans ce contexte, je souligne la contradiction entre l'éntification et la fixité de ces catégories et ce qui apparaît masqué sous un semblant d'indécidabilité du diagnostic. Je propose d'articuler les productions orales inhabituelles de l'enfant avec des gestes corporels. Le diagnostic du langage, révélateur de défaillances de l'inscription significant dans le corps, impliquait une intervention sur l'effet de la parole de l'enfant sur l'autre, qui, à la dérive, était piégé dans le miroir du geste moteur et incapable de lui attribuer une valeur linguistique

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Apraxias/diagnosis , Child Language , Language Disorders , Language Disorders/therapy , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2447, 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383890


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir análise multimodal exploratória sobre a atenção compartilhada. Utilizou-se a ferramenta ELAN (EUDICO Language Annotator), software com recursos para sincronização temporal e especiais para modalidades verbal e não verbal, que facilitam a visualização e anotação de contextos interacionais. Foram analisados e transcritos trechos de dez minutos de sessão de avaliação fonoaudiológica de uma criança em investigação para transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) e outra, com desenvolvimento típico, pareadas por faixa etária e gênero. Foram investigadas e quantificadas as ocorrências espontâneas de direcionamento do olhar das crianças para: os olhos do interlocutor; os brinquedos e/ou brincadeiras; os olhos do interlocutor - brinquedos (atenção compartilhada). As ocorrências de direcionamento do olhar diferiram entre as crianças de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. A criança com suspeita de TEA não produziu episódio de atenção compartilhada, nem direcionou seu olhar para o interlocutor. Foram 56 ocorrências de direcionamentos de olhar apenas para os brinquedos. A criança em desenvolvimento típico produziu 18 ocorrências de atenção compartilhada, sendo que, em todas as vezes que direcionou o olhar para os olhos do interlocutor, o fez para compartilhar o brinquedo ou brincadeira. Observou-se, ainda, 37 ocorrências de direcionamento do olhar para o brinquedo. A partir da análise exploratória produzida pela ferramenta ELAN, foi possível observar que houve diferença em número de ocorrência e trajetória do olhar entre as duas crianças e verificar que a atenção compartilhada esteve ausente na criança com risco para TEA.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to produce exploratory multimodal analysis on joint attention. We used the ELAN tool: software with resources for temporal and special synchronization for verbal and non-verbal modalities that facilitate the visualization and annotation of interactional contexts. Excerpts of ten minutes of speech and language pathology evaluation of the child with suspected ASD and of another child with typical development matched by age group and gender, were analyzed and transcribed. Spontaneous occurrences of the child's gaze were investigated: a) Towards the interlocutor's eyes. b) Towards toys or play. c) Towards the interlocutor's eyes and toys (Joint Attention). The occurrences of look direction differed between children in a quantitative and qualitative way. The child with suspected ASD did not produce an episode of joint attention, nor did he direct his gaze to the interlocutor. There were 56 occurrences of gazing towards the toys. The typical child produced 18 occurrences of joint attention, and whenever he directed his eyes to the interlocutor's eyes, he did so with the intention of sharing the toy or play. We also observed 37 occurrences of gazing towards the toy or play. From the exploratory analysis produced by ELAN tool, it was possible to observe that there were differences in the number of occurrences and look direction between the evaluated children and to verify that the joint attention was absent in the child with ASD risk.

Humans , Child , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Eye-Tracking Technology/instrumentation , Combined Modality Therapy , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Distúrbios da comunicação ; 33(3): 462-472, set.2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410530


Introdução: Movimentos repetitivos associados a alterações de linguagem representam dois importantes sinais de alerta para os TEA (Transtornos do Espectro do Autismo). Ainda que, segundo pesquisas atuais, o atraso na aquisição da linguagem não faça parte do conjunto de características comumente observadas em crianças na primeira infância com Transtorno do Movimento Estereotipado (TME), a sua coocorrência pode ser mais comum do que se imagina, o que pode levar a diagnósticos falso positivo para os TEA. Objetivo: Caracterizar o processo desviante de aquisição da linguagem associado ao TME, buscando diferenciar das características específicas aos TEA. Método: A presente pesquisa apresenta o relato de caso de duas crianças, na faixa etária dos 30 aos 36 meses, com importante atraso na aquisição da fala associado à presença de movimentos estereotipados, com perfis considerados de risco para o autismo. Resultados: Na primeira avaliação as duas crianças apresentavam escore médio referente ao número de sinais de alerta para os TEA. Após intervenção de 6 meses, para diagnóstico diferencial, houve queda no número de sinais de risco, como remissão de alguns comportamentos característicos dos TEA, melhora na intensidade dos movimentos repetitivos e aumento do repertório de fala. Conclusão: Ainda que a presença de movimentos repetitivos ou estereotipadas seja um dos sinais clássicos dos TEA, mesmo que coocorra com outras alterações igualmente sugestivas a este diagnóstico, como o atraso na fala, para que o diagnóstico seja conclusivo, é necessária a observação da presença de outros sintomas que se manifestam de forma persistente ao longo do desenvolvimento.

Introduction: The repetitive movements associated with language disorders represent two important warning signs for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Even if, according to current research, the delay in language acquisition may not be part of the set of characteristics commonly observed in toddlers with Stereotyped Movement Disorder (SMD), this co-occurrence of language impairment and Stereotyped Movement Disorder may be more common than can be imagined, which leads to mistaken ASD diagnoses. Objective: To characterize the deviant language acquisition process associated with SMD, seeking to differentiate the specific characteristics of ASD. Method: This research presents a case report of two toddlers, aged 30 to 36 months, with an important delay in the acquisition and development of speech associated with the presence of stereotyped movements, with profiles considered at risk for autism. Results: The first assessment showed important results indicating ASD for both children. After a 6-month intervention, there was a decrease in the number of risk signs, such as remission of some behavior characteristic of ASD, improvement in the intensity of repetitive movements and increase of the speech repertoire. Conclusion: Although the presence of repetitive or stereotyped movements is one of the classic signs of ASD, even if it co-occurs with other disorders equally suggestive to this diagnosis, such as delayed speech, for a conclusive diagnosis it is necessary the observation of other symptoms that manifest themselves persistently throughout development.

Introducción: Los movimientos repetitivos asociados con los cambios de lenguaje representa importantes señales de advertencia para los TEA (Trastornos del Espectro Autista). Aunque, según la investigación actual, el retraso en la adquisición del lenguaje no es parte del conjunto de características comúnmente observadas en niños en la primera infancia con trastorno de movimientos estereotipados, su coocurrencia puede ser más común de lo imaginado, lo que conduce a diagnósticos falsos positivos de TEA. Objetivo: Caracterizar el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje desviado asociado al Trastorno de Movimientos Estereotipados (TME), buscando diferenciar las características específicas de los TEA. Método: Esta investigación presenta el caso clínico de dos niños, de 30 a 36 meses, con un importante retraso en la adquisición y desarrollo del habla asociado a la presencia de movimientos estereotipados, con perfiles considerados en riesgo de autismo. Resultados: En la primera evaluación, los dos niños obtuvieron una puntuación media con respecto al número de señales de advertencia de TEA. Después de una intervención de 6 meses, diagnóstico diferencial, hubo una disminución en el número de signos de riesgo, como la remisión de algunos comportamientos característicos de los TEA, una mejora en la intensidad de los movimientos repetitivos y un aumento en el repertorio del habla. Conclusión: Si bien la presencia de movimientos repetitivos o estereotipados es uno de los signos clásicos de los TEA, aunque concurra con otros cambios igualmente sugestivos para este diagnóstico, como el retraso en el habla, para que el diagnóstico sea concluyente es necesaria la observación de la observación. otros síntomas que se manifiestan de forma persistente a lo largo del desarrollo.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Stereotypic Movement Disorder/complications , Diagnosis, Differential , Language Development Disorders/complications , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/etiology
Aval. psicol ; 20(3): 331-340, jul.-set. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1345368


A identificação de Sinais de Risco e o diagnóstico de TEA demandam utilização de instrumentos com diversas fontes de evidências de validade. O objetivo deste estudo foi reunir evidências de validade do PROTEA-R-NV, incluindo: a) as baseadas em variáveis de critério e b) validade convergente com M-CHAT. Foi empregado um delineamento misto (grupos contrastantes e correlacional). Nas análises de comparação, participaram 15 crianças com TEA (idade média 44,8(16,64) meses) e 15 crianças sem TEA (idade média 45,13(17,62)), enquanto, nas análises correlacionais, participaram 44 crianças com e sem TEA (idade média 45,10(15,90)). Na maioria dos itens do PROTEA-R-NV e no escore total dos itens críticos, foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (grupo TEA apresentou escores mais altos, indicando maior prejuízo). Observou-se correlação forte positiva entre o escore de risco do M-CHAT e o escore dos itens críticos do PROTEA-R-NV. Assim, considera-se que o PROTEA-R-NV demonstrou adequadas evidências de validade de critério e convergente. (AU)

Identification of signs of ASD and diagnosis require the use of tests with diverse sources of validity evidence. The aim of this study was to gather validity evidence for the PROTEA-R-NV based on: a) criteria variables and b) convergent validity with the M-CHAT. A mixed method design was performed (comparative and correlational groups). In the comparative analysis, 15 children diagnosed with ASD (mean age 44.8 (SD=16.64) months) and 15 children without this diagnosis (mean age 45.13 (SD=17.62) months) participated. Participants in the correlational analysis were 44 children with and without ASD (mean age 45.10(SD=15.90) months). The majority of PROTEA-R-NV items and the total score of the critical items showed significant differences between groups, with the ASD group presenting higher scores, indicating more impairment. The M-CHAT total score showed strong and positive correlation with the PROTEA-R-NV critical items score. Accordingly, the PROTEA-R-NV presented adequate evidence of validity based on criteria and convergent validity. (AU)

La identificación de señales de alerta y el diagnóstico de TEA requieren el uso de instrumentos con diferentes fuentes de evidencias de validez. El objetivo de este estudio fue reunir evidencias de la validez del PROTEA-R-NV, incluyendo: a) aquellas basadas en variables de criterio, y b) validez convergente con M-CHAT. Se utilizó un diseño mixto (grupos contrastantes y correlacionales). En los análisis comparativos, participaron 15 niños con TEA (edad media 44.8(16.64) meses) y 15 niños sin TEA (edad media 45.13(17.62)). En los análisis correlacionales, participaron 44 niños con y sin TEA (edad media 45,10(15,90)). En la mayoría de los ítems de PROTEA-R-NV y en el puntaje de los ítems críticos, se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (grupo TEA tuvo puntajes más altos, lo que indica un mayor daño). Hubo una fuerte correlación positiva entre la puntuación de riesgo de M-CHAT y la puntuación de los elementos críticos de PROTEA-R-NV. Por lo tanto, se considera que PROTEA-R-NV demostró evidencia adecuada de criterio y validez convergente. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Reproducibility of Results , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis
Barbarói ; (58): 122-140, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1150764


No que tange à escolarização de crianças autistas, o debate sobre o diagnóstico tem sido central, circulando entre os docentes sem muitas interrogações e delineando os percursos escolares desses sujeitos. Neste artigo, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, tivemos por objetivo discutir as implicações do diagnóstico no trabalho pedagógico com crianças autistas, buscando seus sentidos e significados no fazer docente. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas seis (6) professoras, de duas escolas, municipal e estadual, da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. Como instrumentos de coleta dos dados, utilizou-se de Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturada e Questionário Sociodemográfico. Os dados das entrevistas foram transcritos e analisados através da Análise Institucional do Discurso (AID). Como referencial teórico, utilizou-se dos aportes da psicanálise. Os resultados apontam ser o laudo médico-psicológico, para as professoras, fundamental na condução do trabalho, bem como para a disponibilização dos recursos escolares que o aluno tem direito.(AU)

Regarding the schooling of autistic children, the debate about the diagnosis has been central, circulating among teachers without much questioning and outlining the school paths of these subjects. In this article, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, we aimed to discuss the implications of the diagnosis in the pedagogical work with autistic children, looking for their senses and meanings in teaching. For that, six (6) teachers from two public schools were interviewed, in which one school is municipally run and the other one is state-run, from the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre/RS. As instruments for data collection, a Semi-structured Interview Guide and Sociodemographic Questionnaire were used. The interview data were transcribed and analyzed using the Institutional Discourse Analysis (IDA). As a theoretical framework, contributions from psychoanalysis were used. The results indicate that the medical-psychological report, for the teachers, is fundamental in the conduction of the work, as well as for the availability of school resources that the student is entitled to.(AU)

Con respecto a la escolarización de los niños autistas, el debate sobre el diagnóstico ha sido central, circulando entre los docentes sin mucho cuestionamiento y delineando el camino educativo de estos sujetos. En este artículo, de naturaleza cualitativa y exploratoria, buscamos discutir las implicaciones del diagnóstico en el trabajo pedagógico con niños autistas, buscando sus sentidos y significados en la enseñanza. Para ello, se entrevistó a seis (6) docentes de dos escuelas, municipales y estatales, de la Región Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. Como instrumentos para la recolha de datos, se utilizaron una Guía de Entrevista Semiestructurada y un Cuestionario Sociodemográfico. Los datos de la entrevista fueron transcritos y analizados utilizando el Análisis del Discurso Institucional (AID). Como marco teórico, se utilizaron las contribuciones del psicoanálisis. Los resultados indican que el informe médico-psicológico, para los docentes, es fundamental en la realización del trabajo, así como en la disponibilidad de recursos escolares a los que tiene derecho el alumno.(AU)

Humans , Autistic Disorder/diagnosis , Teaching , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Psychoanalysis , Faculty
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 70(2): 179-187, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279309


OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores que dificultam as intervenções terapêuticas motoras em crianças com transtorno do espectro autista. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus e LILACS. Uma pesquisa de literatura cinzenta foi conduzida com acadêmico do Google. PRISMA foi usado, bem como a análise de risco de viés adaptada do Cochrane Manual para ensaios clínicos e, para outros estudos, foi utilizada a lista de verificação Downs e Black. RESULTADOS: Dezessete artigos científicos foram incluídos na análise de síntese qualitativa sobre estratégias para interação social e motora em pacientes com transtorno do espectro autista. Quatorze artigos científicos alcançaram pontuações aceitáveis na escala de Downs e Black, e três ensaios clínicos indicaram domínios satisfatórios. Pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista apresentaram percentuais acima de 30%, com dificuldades de comportamentos sociáveis, de aprendizagem e de comunicação. O diagnóstico adequado e a preconização de um plano de tratamento para o desenvolvimento da motricidade são estratégias fundamentais e de ordem prioritária, uma vez que possibilitarão uma análise quantitativa ao longo da vida do autista, assim como proporcionarão uma maior viabilidade de análise das habilidades cognitivas. CONCLUSÃO: A dificuldade de comportamento social do indivíduo com transtorno do espectro autista pode ser o ponto-alvo nas suas limitações de aprendizagem motora. Portanto, a concepção metodológica com a prática de imitação, associada a uma dinâmica prazerosa do exercício rítmico, é a melhor sugestão para contemplar o direcionamento das pesquisas contemporâneas, uma vez que, quando prevalece a inter-relação entre interação social, aprendizagem motora e percepções sensoriais, os desfechos são mais significativos para essas crianças.

OBJECTIVE: To identify the factors that hinder motor therapeutic interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder. METHODS: The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and LILACS databases were used. A Grey Literature search was conducted with a Google scholar. PRISMA was used, as well as the risk analysis of bias adapted from the Cochrane Manual for clinical trials and, for other studies, the Downs and Black checklist was used. RESULTS: Seventeen scientific articles were included in the qualitative synthesis analysis on strategies for social and motor interaction in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Fourteen scientific articles achieved acceptable scores on the Downs and Black scale, and three clinical trials indicated satisfactory domains. People with autism spectrum disorder showed percentages above 30%, with difficulties in sociable behavior, learning, and communication issues. Adequate diagnosis and advocacy of a treatment plan for the development of motor skills are fundamental and priority strategies since they will enable a quantitative analysis throughout the life of the autistic person, as well as providing greater viability for the analysis of cognitive skills. CONCLUSION: The difficulty of social behavior of the individual with autism spectrum disorder may be the target point in his motor learning limitations. Therefore, the methodological conception with the practice of imitation, associated with a pleasurable dynamic of rhythmic exercise, is the best suggestion to contemplate the direction of contemporary research, since when the interrelation between social interaction, motor learning, and sensory perceptions prevails, outcomes are more significant for these children.

Humans , Child , Psychomotor Performance , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Social Interaction , Motor Activity
Med. infant ; 28(1): 10-15, Marzo 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1282213


Los trastornos del desarrollo conforman la "nueva morbilidad" y su identificación oportuna facilita planear los apoyos específicos que pueden favorecer el pronóstico de estos pacientes. El objetivo de este proyecto es brindar información acerca del abordaje de los pacientes con diagnóstico de TEA en el primer nivel de atención, mediante la descripción de diferentes variables a través de la evaluación de sus historias clínicas. Se analizaron 35 historias clínicas y se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados. 85,7% sexo masculino con un promedio de edad de 8,1 años. El 48,57% poseían obra social. 14,29% fueron nacidos pretérmino. 8,57% presentaron síndrome genético/cromosómico asociado al autismo. 22.86% presentaban hermano con mismo diagnóstico. Retraso madurativo o discapacidad intelectual en el 22,8%. Edad de diagnóstico media de 45.05 meses, (DE 17.13). En el 65,71% de las HC no se consignaba si el familiar presentaba alguna preocupación con respecto al desarrollo. En el 40% de las HC figura alteración en la comunicación/ ausencia o retraso del lenguaje, como motivo de preocupación/ derivación. El 91,43% se realizó el diagnostico por el equipo especializado en el Hospital Garrahan. El 85,71% realiza o realizó tratamiento, 71,43% en un centro público. El 88,57% se encontraba escolarizado. 51,43% en escuela especial. El 68,57% tenían certificado de discapacidad. El 28,57% se encontraban en tratamiento psicofarmacológico. El análisis de las HC nos permitió acercarnos a describir nuestra población, con características de diagnóstico y seguimiento que se ajustan en mayor medida a la descripta en la bibliografía, pese a tratarse de una población con un bajo nivel socio económico (AU)

Developmental disorders are the "new morbidity" and their timely identification enhances the planning of specific support measures that may improve the prognosis of these patients. The aim of this project is to provide information on the approach of patients diagnosed with ASD at the first level of care, by describing different variables obtained from medical records (MR). Thirtyfive MR were analyzed and the following results were obtained: 85.7% were male and mean age was 8.1 years. Overall, 48.57% had a health insurance; 14.29% were born preterm; 8,57% had a genetic/chromosomal syndrome associated with autism; 22.86% had a sibling with the same diagnosis. Developmental delay or intellectual disability was observed in 22.8%. Mean age at diagnosis was 45.05 months (SD 17.13). In 65.71% of the MR it was not clear if the caregiver was worried about the development of the child. In 40% of the MR, communication disturbances or absence of language/language delay were mentioned as the reason for worry or referral. In 91.43% the diagnosis was made by the specialized team at Garrahan Hospital. Overall, 85.71% underwent or is undergoing treatment, of whom 71.43% at a public center. Of all the children, 88.57% was attending school, 51.43% of whom at a special school; 68.57% had a disability certificate; 28.57% received psychopharmacological treatment. Analysis of the MR allowed us to describe our population, with diagnostic and follow-up features that mostly agree with the findings reported in the literature, in spite of the low socio-economic level of the families (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(1): 112-127, ene.-feb. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412963


INTRODUCCIÓN: Existen diferentes posturas en cuanto a la delimitación entre los trastornos del lenguaje y de la comunicación; sobre todo al acuñar las definiciones, sus limitantes y particularmente poder medir los pronósticos y diferentes procesos a lo largo del neurodesarrollo. El presente consenso busca unir las diferentes visiones de la región latinoamericana sobre los Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje (TDL) y Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), homologar taxonomías y evolución a lo largo de los primeros años de vida. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio Delphi Modificado para llegar a un consenso sobre la definición más adecuada y diagnóstico temprano de los TDL y TEA. RESULTADOS: Un total de 34 profesionales de 11 países de la región aceptaron la invitación para participar en el consenso e incluyó a distintos especialistas a cargo del cuidado de estos pacientes. Se realizaron dos rondas de evaluación llegando a un acuerdo y consenso en todos los ítems. CONCLUSIONES: El término "Riesgo para Trastornos de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje" es creado para referirse a los niños que no caen en ninguna categoría diagnóstica en etapas tempranas del desarrollo. Consideramos que tanto el uso de este término como el del resto de los mismos, alcanzados por consenso, permitirá coincidir en distintos puntos para la caracterización del TDL y TEA, todo ello contribuirá a evaluar de forma más específica cuáles son las intervenciones adecuadas que mejoren el pronóstico y modifiquen las trayectorias del desarrollo de esta población en nuestra región.

INTRODUCTION: There are different points of view regarding the delimitation between language and communication disorders; especially when establishing the definitions, their limitations and above all being able to measure prognoses and different processes throughout neurodevelopment. The present consensus seeks to unify the different points of view of the Latin American region on Language Development Disorders (LDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), standardize the taxonomies and evolution throughout the first years of life. METHOD: A Modified Delphi study was carried out to reach a consensus on the most adequate definition and early diagnosis of TDL and ASD. RESULTS: A total of 34 professionals from 11 countries in the region accepted the invitation to participate in the consensus and included different specialists in charge of the care of these patients. Two rounds of evaluation were carried out, reaching an agreement and consensus on all items. CONCLUSIONS: The term "Risk for Communication and Language Disorders" is created to refer to children who do not fall into any diagnostic category in early stages of development. We consider that using this term as well as the rest of the terms reached by consensus in the present work will allow to match in different points for the characterization of TDL and ASD, this will contribute to a more specific evaluation regarding the appropriate interventions to improve prognosis and modify development trajectories of this population in our region.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Risk , Delphi Technique , Communication Disorders/diagnosis , Consensus , Early Diagnosis
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 663-670, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888225


Extraction and analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signal characteristics of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Based on recurrence quantitative analysis (RQA)method, this study explored the differences in the nonlinear characteristics of EEG signals between ASD children and children with typical development (TD). In the experiment, RQA method was used to extract nonlinear features such as recurrence rate (RR), determinism (DET) and length of average diagonal line (LADL) of EEG signals in different brain regions of subjects, and support vector machine was combined to classify children with ASD and TD. The research results show that for the whole brain area (including parietal lobe, frontal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe), when the three feature combinations of RR, DET and LADL are selected, the maximum classification accuracy rate is 84%, the sensitivity is 76%, the specificity is 92%, and the corresponding area under the curve (AUC) value is 0.875. For parietal lobe and frontal lobe (including parietal lobe, frontal lobe), when the three features of RR, DET and LADL are combined, the maximum classification accuracy rate is 82%, the sensitivity is 72%, and the specificity is 92%, which corresponds to an AUC value of 0.781. The research in this paper shows that the nonlinear characteristics of EEG signals extracted based on RQA method can become an objective indicator to distinguish children with ASD and TD, and combined with machine learning methods, the method can provide auxiliary evaluation indicators for clinical diagnosis. At the same time, the difference in the nonlinear characteristics of EEG signals between ASD children and TD children is statistically significant in the parietal-frontal lobe. This study analyzes the clinical characteristics of children with ASD based on the functions of the brain regions, and provides help for future diagnosis and treatment.

Child , Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autistic Disorder , Brain , Electroencephalography , Recurrence
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics ; (12): 343-349, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879858


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the value of autism screening checklists in the early identification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).@*METHODS@#A total of 2 571 children who attended the Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and completed autism screening and diagnostic test were enrolled as subjects, among whom 2 074 were diagnosed with ASD, 261 were diagnosed with global developmental delay (GDD), 206 were diagnosed with developmental language disorder (DLD), and 30 had normal development. The sensitivity, specificity, and optimal threshold value of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) and the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC) for the early identification of ASD were evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.@*RESULTS@#The M-CHAT had a high sensitivity of 88.3% but a low specificity of 36.0% for the identification of ASD. Its sensitivity decreased with age, and was maintained above 80% for children aged 16 to < 48 months. The ABC had a high specificity of 87.3% but a low sensitivity of 27.2%, with an optimal cut-off value of 47.5 based on the ROC curve analysis. The multivariate linear regression model based on a combination of the M-CHAT and ABC for screening of ASD showed a specificity of 85.8% and a sensitivity of 56.6%.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The M-CHAT has a high sensitivity and a low specificity in the identification of ASD, with a better effect in children aged 16 to < 48 months. The ABC has a high specificity and a low sensitivity. The multiple linear regression model method based on the combined M-CHAT and ABC to screen ASD appears to be effective.

Adolescent , Humans , Infant , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autistic Disorder , Checklist , Mass Screening , ROC Curve
Buenos Aires; s.n; 2021. 71 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1355036


Ateneo de la Residencia de Psicopedagogía del Hospital General de Agudos Ramos Mejía, de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que describe las acciones realizadas por el Equipo del hospital, que forma parte de la red de centros públicos de salud que participan del Programa de Orientación Temprana y Concientización en Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo y en el Espectro Autista (PROTECTEA). Se detallan la conceptualización y características del Trastorno del Espectro Autista, su diagnóstico específico, y su diferenciación del diagnóstico de Trastorno del Lenguaje, y de la Comunicación Social.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Health Programs and Plans , Developmental Disabilities/diagnosis , Hospital Care/trends , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/etiology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Specific Language Disorder/diagnosis , Inservice Training/trends , Internship and Residency , Case Reports
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1136775


ABSTRACT Objective: To report a rare case of mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB in a pediatric patient, with emphasis on the description of the clinical manifestations and the early diagnosis. Case description: A 14-year-old male patient, who presented regression of neuropsychomotor development since his three years and six months old, with speech loss and frequent falls, evolving with behavioral changes, with agitation and aggressiveness. Although being diagnosed with autism, there was no response to the established treatment; he was subsequently submitted to metabolic investigation, which lead to the diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB. Comments: Identifying a metabolic disorder requires connecting multiple signs and symptoms, as well as eliminating other apparent causes. MPS IIIB is a diagnostic challenge, particularly in the early stages and in the absence of a family history of the disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar o caso raro de um paciente pediátrico com mucopolissacaridose III B, com ênfase na descrição de manifestações clínicas. Descrição do caso: Paciente masculino de 14 anos que, a partir dos 3 anos e 6 meses de idade, apresentou regressão do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, com perda da fala e quedas frequentes, evoluindo com alterações comportamentais, agitação e agressividade. Diagnosticado como autista, não obteve resposta ao tratamento estabelecido, sendo posteriormente submetido à investigação metabólica, que evidenciou o diagnóstico de mucopolissacaridose III B. Comentários: A identificação de um distúrbio metabólico exige conectar vários sinais e sintomas, além de eliminar outras causas aparentes. A mucopolissacaridose III B é um desafio diagnóstico, particularmente nos estágios iniciais e na ausência de história familiar da doença.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Mucopolysaccharidosis III/diagnosis , Acetylglucosaminidase/deficiency , Mucopolysaccharidosis III/physiopathology , Diagnostic Errors , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis
Audiol., Commun. res ; 26: e2378, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350153


RESUMO Objetivo Propor um protocolo de avaliação das habilidades pragmáticas da comunicação de crianças incluídas no espectro do autismo, aplicá-lo e comparar seus resultados com os do Perfil Funcional da Comunicação. Métodos Participaram deste estudo 62 crianças entre 2 e 12 anos de idade, com diagnóstico incluído no espectro do autismo e sem perdas sensoriais ou síndromes genéticas diagnosticadas. A partir de amostras em vídeo, fonoaudiólogos responderam ao protocolo proposto e os resultados foram analisados em relação a protocolos já usados no serviço em que o estudo foi realizado. Resultados Apenas os dados referentes à interatividade da comunicação e ao uso do meio comunicativo verbal apresentaram correlações significativas com o desempenho nos aspectos pragmáticos da linguagem, conforme verificado pelo protocolo proposto. O protocolo foi capaz de constatar que maiores possibilidades de interação com a criança possibilitam mais dados a respeito de seu desempenho pragmático. A análise do uso do protocolo para acompanhar os resultados de seis meses de intervenção também possibilitou a identificação de correlações relevantes. Apenas uma das 29 questões não apresentou associação com nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. Conclusão Os resultados obtidos até o momento não são suficientes para determinar que o uso isolado do Protocolo de Avaliação de Habilidades Pragmáticas de Crianças com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo fornece todos os elementos necessários para a avaliação ou o acompanhamento da intervenção fonoaudiológica.

ABSTRACT Purpose To propose a protocol to the assessment of pragmatic abilities of children with autism spectrum disorders, test it and compare the results with those of the Functional Communicative Profile. Methods Participants were 62 children, ages 2 to 12 years without prior diagnosis of any sensorial loss or genetic syndrome. Based on video samples, speech-language pathologists answered to the proposed protocol. The results were analyzed according to their association with other protocols used in the service where the study was carried-out. Results Only data about communication interactivity and use of verbal communicative mean presented significant correlations with the pragmatic aspects of language performance verified by the proposed protocol. The protocol allowed the supposition that larger experience with the child may provide more information about the child's pragmatic performance. The analysis of the use of the protocol to verify the outcomes of six-month language intervention processes also lead to relevant correlations. Just one of the 29 questions did not result in associations with any of the studied variables. Conclusion So far, the results are not enough to consider that the isolated use of this tool will provide the necessary information to language assessment of intervention follow-up.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Language Disorders , Language Tests
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382213


El aumento en la prevalencia de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) ha influido en la necesidad de contar con equipos de experiencia formada para su evaluación. En este esfuerzo es que en la unidad de salud mental ambulatoria del Hospital Exequiel González Cortés se implementó un programa de evaluación multidisciplinario para pacientes con sospecha de TEA. Entre los meses de abril y julio del presente año han sido evaluados 15 pacientes, en su mayoría varones con una edad media entre 6 a 10 años, encontrando que un 30% correspondía a un TEA y un 57% a otros diagnósticos como Retraso Global del Desarrollo y Trastornos Emocionales, entre otros. Los resultados confirman la importancia de contar con profesionales competentes con las habilidades para realizar el diagnóstico de estos pacientes.

The increase in the prevalence of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) influenced the need of having trained experienced teams for its evaluation. In this effort a multidisciplinary evaluation program for patients with suspected ASD was implemented in the Ambulatory Mental Health Unit of the Exequiel González Cortés Hospital. Between the months of april and july of 2020, 15 patients have been evaluated, mostly male, with an range of 6 to 10 years of age. We found that 30% corresponded to an ASD and 57% to other diagnoses such as Global Development Delay and Emotional Disorders, among others. The results confirm the importance of counting with trained teams with the skills to make the diagnosis in these patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/epidemiology , Patient Care Team , Chile/epidemiology , Pilot Projects , Prevalence , Hospitals, Public